About Homeo domain factorsTRANSFAC class description C0006: Three consecutive alpha-helix structures, helix 3 contacts mainly the major groove of the DNA, some contacts at the minor groove are observed as well. Helix 2 and 3 resemble the helix-turn-helix structure of prokaryotic regulators.
More informationSpecies within this Class: 41
Genera within this Class: 226
LOGO plot of the DNA binding domain
FASTA file of the LogoPlot
DNA binding domain |
Whole protein |
FASTA file |
Phylogenetic tree Mammalia
These trees (or cladograms, since distances were ignored) were generated with a local installation of PhyML 3.0 (Guindon et al., Systematic Biology, 59(3):307-21, 2010.), by webPRANK at EBI (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/goldman-srv/webprank/), or by the web version of PhyML 3.0 (http://phylogeny.lirmm.fr). The resulting trees were visualized with iTOL v3 (http://itol.embl.de/).
Phylogenetic tree Mammalia (slim selection)
To generate these trees, only the TFs were taken from a selected group of mammalian species. As standard, the corresponding human, cow, mouse and Monodelphis TFs were taken if available; occasionally, either species was to replaced or had to be omitted without replacement.