About Basic helix-loop-helix factors (bHLH)TRANSFAC class description C0010: A DNA-binding basic region is followed by a motif of two potential amphipathic alpha-helices connected by a loop of variable length, possibly an omega loop. This putative helix-loop-helix (HLH) motif mediates dimerization as a prerequisite for DNA-binding. Upon dimerization, the alpha-helical content may significantly increase supporting the model of a four-helix bundle dimerization interface. Probably, the HLH domains of both dimer constituents are arranged in a parallel orientation. The basic region dictates DNA-binding specificity. Upon DNA-binding of the dimer, the basic regions adopt alpha-helical conformation as well.
More informationSpecies within this Class: 41
Genera within this Class: 114
LOGO plot of the DNA binding domain
FASTA file of the LogoPlot
DNA binding domain |
Whole protein |
FASTA file |
FASTA file |
Phylogenetic tree Mammalia (slim selection)
To generate these trees, only the TFs were taken from a selected group of mammalian species. As standard, the corresponding human, cow, mouse and Monodelphis TFs were taken if available; occasionally, either species was to replaced or had to be omitted without replacement.