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Classification of Transcription Factors in Mammalia

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Superclass: , Class: ,
Family: , Subfamily: , Genus: ,
  • 4 Other all-alpha-helical DNA-binding domains
    • 4.1 High-mobility group (HMG) domain factors
      • 4.1.1 SOX-related
        • Group A

Species within this Genus: 5 LOGO plot of the DNA binding sequence LOGO plot

Species specific reports

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Bos taurus

Synonyms: cattle, domestic cow

Isoforms and DNA binding domain
Homo sapiens

Synonyms: human, man

Protein expression pattern:Show table
Isoforms and DNA binding domain
Mus musculus

Synonyms: house mouse, mouse

Isoforms and DNA binding domain
Pan troglodytes

Synonyms: chimpanzee

Isoforms and DNA binding domain
Sus scrofa

Synonyms: pig, wild boar

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Expression table
The table below summarizes the protein expression data from the Protein Atlas. The tissues and cell types are linked to the Cytomer ontology
TissueCell typeExpression levelTypeReliability
adrenal glandglandular tissueNegativeStainingSupportive
bone barrowhematopoetic stem cellStrongStainingSupportive
breastglandular tissueNegativeStainingSupportive
bronchiciliated call with propulsive function of respiratory tractWeakStainingSupportive
cerebellumgranule cellNegativeStainingSupportive
cerebellumpurkinje cellNegativeStainingSupportive
cerebral cortexglial cell of central nervous systemNegativeStainingSupportive
cerebral cortexneuronNegativeStainingSupportive
cervix of uterusglandular tissueNegativeStainingSupportive
cervix of uterussquamous epithelial cellNegativeStainingSupportive
colonglandular tissueNegativeStainingSupportive
duodenumglandular tissueWeakStainingSupportive
epididymisglandular tissueNegativeStainingSupportive
oesophagussquamous epithelial cellWeakStainingSupportive