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Classification of Transcription Factors in Mammalia

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Superclass: , Class: ,
Family: , Subfamily: , Genus: ,
  • 3 Helix-turn-helix domains
    • 3.1 Homeo domain factors
      • 3.1.2 NK

Consensus binding sequenceCTAATTAGPredicted binding sites For: human, mouse, cow, dogSpecies within this Subfamily: 38 Genera within this Subfamily: 2 LOGO plot of the DNA binding domain
FASTA file of the LogoPlot
DNA binding domain Whole protein
Phylogenetic tree
These trees (or cladograms, since distances were ignored) were generated with a local installation of PhyML 3.0 (Guindon et al., Systematic Biology, 59(3):307-21, 2010.), by webPRANK at EBI (, or by the web version of PhyML 3.0 ( The resulting trees were visualized with iTOL v3 (
  • webPRANK and iTOL
  • and iTOL
  • webPRANK and iTOL
Select species

Selected the species for which a species report should be shown.

Expression table
The table below summarizes the protein expression data from the Protein Atlas. The tissues and cell types are linked to the Cytomer ontology

The selected tree node is not linked to a gene, no expression data is available.